Winning Edge
Please choose any of the following filters, then click the 'Show Selections' button. Date is required - all others are optional.
* Price: The prices displayed here before the races are the estimated pre post prices. These get updated when we receive the nominations and acceptances prior to the running of the race. After the race we then receive the official 'Starting Price', which, of course, can vary from the pre post prices.
Winning Edge Rules
- Operate on Sydney, Melbourne and Perth metropolitan races on Saturday. (You can extend your betting coverage by operating on any other meetings you like - other states, provincial and country meetings).
- Consider only those runners who were positioned 1st to 4th at 400m in their last start.
- A qualifier must have come first or second at their last start.
- The qualifier’s last start must have been within the previous 28 days (inclusive).
- The horse has a win percentage greater than 25% and less than 100%.
- The qualifier is priced at $4.00 or under. (When decided on final selections, you can accept any selection without looking at its prepost price in the betting market. We have found, though, that the better fancied a selection is the better it will perform. So the prime selections are those found at $4.00 or under).
Special Bets
We have found by studying its results over many races and back many years, that if the contender horse’s last start was seven days ago or less, then its win strike rate increases. This is a very selective approach, and does not throw up regular selections, but they are worth flagging when they appear.
* Price: The prices displayed here before the races are the estimated pre post prices. These get updated when we receive the nominations and acceptances prior to the running of the race. After the race we then receive the official 'Starting Price', which, of course, can vary from the pre post prices.
Pace Ace Rules
- Operate on Sydney and Melbourne metropolitan races on Saturday. (You can extend your betting coverage by operating on any other meetings you like - other states, provincial and country meetings).
- Consider only those runners who were positioned 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th at 400m in their last start.
- A qualifier must have come first or second at their last start.
- The qualifier’s last start must have been within the previous 21 days (inclusive).
- The qualifier is priced at $4.00 or under. (When decided on final selections, you can accept any selection without looking at its prepost price in the betting market. We have found, though, that the better fancied a selection is the better it will perform. So the prime selections are those found at $4.00 or under).